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All The Things She Said [Torahiko] [1/2]
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 26, 2018 14:58:29 GMT
Saturday. Night. Alone, in an apartment, there was a single foreigner, silently struggling against the sea of people that was Tokyo. Trying her hardest to be successful, and doing her best to balance her career of choice with her personal and social life, that wasn't even to mention the whole Digital World issue. Pretty overwhelming, wasn't it? A lot of people on her position may have succumbed to stress or try to cope someway. However... "Heee~y! Can I have another daiquiri, please?" Succumbing to despair wouldn't do for Amelie, however! That's why she had decided to wear some nice clothes, head to the nearest karaoke bar, and ordered a lime daiquiri. Or was this the second? Maybe the third? She wasn't sure, but she could say that it still tasted pretty good.
Now, Amy knew that mixing sugar and alcohol was a recipe for getting drunk really easily, but she trusted on her ability to hold her alcohol... and thus far, it was working. She thought. Who knew! Once the drink was in her hands, she turned on her seat in order to face the pretty big TV screen on the opposite side of the bar where she was currently sitting. In front of it, there were two teenagers engaging in one of those karaoke games; how were they called? 'UltraStar', probably? In any case, the point was trying to hit the notes while the song played, and depending on that you'd get a score. Currently, the two were singing some Japanese song the brunette hadn't heard in her life, but that was enough to spark some curiosity in her mind.
She'd probably go and sing something down the line; it seemed like fun! She only had to hope to find a song she was familiar with. That'd be pretty great.
Post by Torahiko Isamu on May 26, 2018 19:39:22 GMT
The two teenagers were going wild with the song, even if they didn't know most of the lyrics or hit the correct notes most of the time; it was clear that they were having fun judging from the silly grins plastered on their faces.
Then again, they've been hitting a few drinks ever since they came inside so they were a bit buzzed. Soon though they hit the end of the song and parted ways, one of them heading back to his own circle of friends while the other, a dark-green haired teen approached the bar counter with a friendly grin still etched onto his features. "Barman! Another Asahi Super Dry, please?" The Barman, a rather stoic looking individual deftly reached towards the drink in question, popped open the cap and slid it towards the green-haired boy in less than five seconds with the ease of practice of someone that has been doing this for years.
Drink in hand, the male took a long pull and sighed in relief now that his throat wasn't so dry, trying to sing those high notes while fun was certainly a pain in the ass! Taking another pull, he turned around on his seat, spotting the girl sitting next to him and gave her a friendly grin. "Hey there! Having fun?" He asked cheerfully, not at all minding talking to a complete stranger and perhaps get shot down for trying.
TAGS: Amelie OOC NOTES: Let's get this show on the road.
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 27, 2018 0:46:59 GMT
Eventually, the song ended; it had been a pretty fun performance, even if not the most harmonious, musically wise But what was that a problem? Considering the two seemed to have so much fun going at it, she doubted it.
After all, who would judge for something like that? Everyone was here more or less to have fun, and the round of cheering after the singers were over was a good way to make that clear; heck, even Amelie herself felt like cheering sone. After all, it really took some courage to dye your hair green. The brunette could definitely respect that.
It was a bit surprising that he wasn't with the other guy's group, but it was also fair, in a sense. She couldn't say anything about it, given that... she had gotten to this place alone and probably would try singing a bit down the line.
One beer being sent in his direction afterward, Amelie found herself in the receiving end of a greeting from him. That was... pretty interesting! Taking another sip at her daiquiri, the teenager smiled at him right afterward.
"Hey." Her tone was friendly, way more than the one she'd employ with a complete stranger. Was that the alcohol at work? "Yup! First time here, but the bar seems to be pretty fun thus far. Good drinks, good music, good entertainment. Gotta say that your performance was pretty good!"
Those words might've taken as sarcasm, had her tone been different; however, one could easily discern that she was being more or less genuine. "By the way, name's Amelie. What's yours?"
Nothing outta the ordinary thus far but... who knew what could happen next?
Post by Torahiko Isamu on May 27, 2018 19:42:07 GMT
He grinned bashfully at the praise, rubbing the back of his head. "Hehe, thanks! I don't really sing that much so I'm not that good. But hey, are you a foreigner? You don't sound like you're from around here..."
Now that he took a better look at her visage, the green-haired teen noticed that she wasn't entirely of Japanese descent, then again she could have been born here and just look that way from genetics, but then her voice gave her away. She had a bit of an accent, not enough to be noticeable but it was there, but at the moment it was a bit thick, and a little slurred possibly because she had a little too much to drink, but at least he could still understand her just fine.
He flushed a little, realizing that perhaps he might have been a little too blunt there for a second. "Sorry, no filter, you know? Anyways. I'm Torahiko Isamu. Nice to meet you, Amelie!" He gave another friendly grin before a thought struck him. "So hey, what are your plans for the night?" Since it was a Karaoke Bar, there were a lot of activities one could peruse to enjoy, from merely drinking to dancing and singing to the audience at large; boredom was not possible in such a place like this.
TAGS: Amelie OOC NOTES: If Applicable
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 27, 2018 23:17:04 GMT
New person seemed to be pretty interesting, and devoid of any inhibitions; well, alcohol tended to do that, not to say... that neither of the two seemed to be one-hundred percent lucid at the moment. Funny how the most glaring aspect of her personality, and apparently the one that needed to be addressed immediately wasn't her name, but rather... where she was from.
He seemed nice enough, though! "Guess it was a bit obvious, wasn't it?" Then again, she's supposed to be... half-Japanese, wasn't she? Not like getting used to the culture had been particularly easy, having grown up abroad for most of her life, but at least she had a bit of an edge in comparison to a fresh foreigner. Mom had made sure for her to at least learn the basics of her 'native' language, after all! "Moved her a bit less than four months ago. Getting rid of the accent has been a bit of a pain, but thus far I think I'm making some progress!"
She smirked a bit at his apology, promptly waving it off with her free hand. "No need to be. Probably not something you can go asking everyone you meet, but it's fine. Really." Sides, that meant he kinda owed her an answer to an awkward question. She may use that one soon... or not. It wasn't like he wouldn't have guessed she wasn't from Japan as soon as he heard her name. "Pleased to meet you, Torahiko; hope we can be good friends!"
Mental note number one; think of a less mouthful nickname. Now, it was her time to ask the incisive question, wasn't it? "Say... what are you doing on your own on a bar? I thought most Japanese teenagers hung out together or something of the sort. Well... most teenagers period, but you get the point, I guess?"
Yeah... tact had probably been slaughtered when asking that question. Buuut, it wasn't like Amelie was the most tactful person ever, in first place.
Post by Torahiko Isamu on May 28, 2018 21:36:49 GMT
The teenager grinned sheepishly back at her. "You do look half-Japanese though, but your accent kinda clued me in next." At least she wasn't perturbed or annoyed at his almost rude questions. Any other person might have just drenched him with their drink of choice and stormed off in a huff, probably even after they gave him a nice shiner too. He counted himself lucky that the girl had a few drinks before he spoke to her.
Too long a pause, speak you goblin, speak dammit! "A friend would be nice, indeed. And you're making some good progress with the accent though! I only noticed because I was looking for it, so long as you keep practicing you'll get there!" He said encouragingly with a warm grin, appearing a bit too overly cheerful or excited but honestly, that was just who he was; not much could bring him down and even then he was up and about to face things head on in no time.
At her question, his grin slipped a little before it came back. "Yeah, I get you. I actually came back from a LARPing session early this evening with some buddies of mine, normally we hang out together all day after the session but everyone was pretty tired after the ordeal since we constantly had to stop because some of the newbies were being unreasonable with their new characters and it just became one giant mess." The green-haired teenager gave a small groan, taking a long pull of his drink before he rubbed his forehead, already feeling a headache forming on the surface.
"That aside... sometimes my personality can be a bit too much for some people." He admitted quietly, staring down at his drink with a pouting expression before he smiled apologetically at her. "But it's fine, I got used to it. Besides sometimes I just want to be alone and do my own things as well, but I don't mind socializing every now and then." She should try and find him when he's deeply immersed in a game on his cellphone or laptop, he could become quite scathing if he was having a bad luck streak.
TAGS: Amelie OOC NOTES: Sorry this took so long mate :/
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 29, 2018 0:10:16 GMT
No big deal, materino. Take your time ^^
Well, at least he had been perceptive enough. Not like telling her apart from your everyday Japanese had been super hard; yeah, even if she still had some local blood running through her veins, the foreign features stood out if you looked enough. "I mean, everything's fine as long as you don't call me filthy gaijin or something of the sort. I've heard that saying that kinda stuff is pretty rude." Yup, Captain obvious speaking over there. Torahiko seemed nice enough, and they weren't in a particularly xenophobic atmosphere, right? Otherwise, things could get a bit messy. He wasn't in one of his brightest moments, was he? Amelie giggled a bit, both at his antics and to break the ice. "Hopefully I'll be able to mask my accent well enough by the sixth month or so. That'd be pretty nice."Then again, the brunette's mom was born in and raised in Shibuya; her accent was more or less due to... French being her first language, rather than Japanese. Some Japanese syllabes were a bit hard to pronounce. LARP, huh? Sides what it meant and more or less what it was about, Amy knew next to nothing about it. That sounded like a fun subject! "LARPing sounds like fun! I don't know more than the bare-bone basics, but I wouldn't mind learning a little more if you're about explaining me how it works!"Admittingly, she was a bit lost at the whole 'others being unreasonable with their characters', but it didn't sound like a fun time. Guess like, as with everything in life, people seemed to have fun at being blatantly better than the rest without actually working to get there. Nooot overly... surprising, in all honesty. She took another sip of her daiquiri, before staring at the teenager a bit dumbfounded. "Your personality being a bit too much for some people? Huh, that's... pretty weird. I personally think you're nice enough! Unless you're acting or something at the moment, but I doubt that's the case, anyway." If somebody could act so well while being tipsy, they definitely deserved to participate in the Oscars or something. "I can understand the feeling to be alone with your thoughts, however. It's something that everyone needs every now and then."Another look at the screen, and now she noticed that the two people who were singing... was that George Michael's Careless Whisper? Well, at least that gave her hope of there being actual songs she could recognize! Maybe she'd head there soon.
Post by Torahiko Isamu on May 30, 2018 0:24:13 GMT
The teenager's grin turned into a frown at her statement, a shake of the head soon following. "To be honest, I can't understand those kinds of people. Why can't we just learn to get along?" He gave a self-deprecating chuckle afterward. "But maybe that's too much to ask for the world at large, so I'll just deal with it by being friendly with most everyone."
His drink was almost halfway done, and a bit lukewarm but he didn't mind as the company he had was making up for it. "If you're having any trouble I could maybe help you if you want?" He let the offer hanging there, it was on her park now if she wanted his help or not. His head tilted a little to the side as he thought about something. "Then again getting rid of an accent can be quite a pain, so long as you're understood then the accent shouldn't matter, right?"
At her next question, he grew a bit pensive, trying to find the best way to explain it to her. "What is LARPing? Well, the most obvious thing is that it stands for Live action roleplaying, as you can probably guess it is a form of roleplaying where the participants physically act out their character’s actions. At it’s simplest you could say that larping is a continuation of a table-top roleplaying game that people choose to act out by becoming a character and staging a fantasy world experience in which their character lives. But larping is more complex than that. There’s more that goes on at a larping event than simply a game." He took a deep breath after that explanation, taking another sip of his drink as he waited for some sort of clue from Amelie to continue with his explanation if she so desired.
He almost faceplanted at her statement though, a bead of sweat sliding down the side of his face. "It's more uh, sometimes I can be a bit too friendly, or a bit too nosy or a bit too blunt. It depends on whom you ask." The song that came up next brought their conversation some pause, the green-haired young man pausing to listen to the song with a raised eyebrow.
"That's an American song, yeah?" He asked curiously, having heard a few of those songs in the past.
TAGS: Amelie OOC NOTES: If Applicable
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 30, 2018 15:50:51 GMT
Amelie herself couldn't but nod in agreement. Sure, most of the newer generation was pretty open-minded about foreigners, people with a funny accent or mixed heritage, but that didn't mean that xenophobes weren't out there, and frankly... that wasn't a pleasant situation to face. "Couldn't agree more with that. It isn't really hard to be friendly or a nice person, in my opinion. But I digress."
After all, individuals being at odds with others was probably as old with humanity itself. It'd take more than a generation to solve that, if... that could be solved at all. There would always be a conflict rekindling those embers; that had been the case on the last couple of centuries, hadn't it?
Not thoughts to be had while tipsy, and in a friendly and fun atmosphere, though! Learning how to get rid of her accent was the way better alternative, prompting a smile from the brunette as she took another sip of her daiquiri. "I mean, I'm not gonna refuse free tuition. If you're up to it, I'd be really thankful!" It was true that getting rid of an accent was pretty hard, sure, but also... "Yeah, I mean... I guess it's fine as long as I can be understood, but it'd also be nice, you know? Being able to talk the Shibuyan way. Maybe I'm just being difficult to myself. Who knows."
Then again, the topics were getting progressively more interesting! LARPing was by far what had piqued Amy's curiosity the most, and now was thinking how to wrap her tipsy mind around the concept. Given her pretty much nonexistent experience, she thought a bit about it before finally speaking.
"Huh... that sounds pretty good, actually." She seemed to be thoughtful for a second. "How do you portray the more... unusual suspects in a fantasy setting, though? Like, let's say, what would happen if my character was a dwarf? Wouldn't that be really inconvenient on live action?" Maybe her question was really dumb, so she ended up waving her hand at it. "But, by all means, go on! The topic is really interesting!"
In all honesty, Torahiko could maybe qualify as those three adjectives if the person wasn't of the tolerant sort, but personally, Amelie thought he was alright. It wasn't like he was purposefully malicious or had bad intentions, and... at the end of the day that's what mattered the most, on the brunette's books.
"You shouldn't worry about it, really. If people doesn't wanna have anything to do with you, that's their loss, honestly." That was a pretty self-contained comment, and probably not worthy of an answer; or maybe it would? In any case... Time to be a bit of a smartass! "It's actually a British song, but yeah. A classic, actually; kinda surprised they had it here. Wonder if there's any more foreign songs? That'd be nice."
Post by Torahiko Isamu on May 30, 2018 20:50:47 GMT
At the mention of free tuition the young man laughed softly at that. "I mean, I could probably charge you if I really wanted some compensation, but I don't need the money, and I could honestly use the company if you just wanna hang and do whatever while you practice?" What the hell was he saying?! It was obvious that he was getting a bit drunk there as he has never really had any friends over at his apartment before, what could he even do to make them comfortable!?
Well, the first thing would be to clean the place up from top to bottom, it wouldn't do to have them come over and the place was a damn mess...
Before he could get too much into it, her voice brought him back from his musing, something he was grateful as it gave him a reason to continue his speech about LARPing. "Well, in that certain scenario all you can really do is use your imagination!" He said brightly, snickering soon afterward. "If you don't have an imagination then you're gonna have a hard time doing this sort of thing with strangers sometimes. Regardless though, there’s more that goes on at a larping event than simply a game. People must collaborate and work together to complete tasks that produce the desired result. Although the beginning of a LARP is very 'my character' oriented, almost the entire production is for a single community-based goal: to build a fantastic space for characters to partake in together."
He was tipsy and probably slurring some of the words, but the whole of it he felt was at least somewhat understandable. Her comment brought him a bit of a pause, but he smiled gratefully back at her, not really finding it necessary to answer her... until her next statement was brought forth.
"They probably do have a lot of foreign songs. I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest." As if answering his own question, another song began to echo from the speakers. Reading the screen, the title of the song was called Despacito by Luis Fonsi.
"Des.. pa... cito?" Torahiko muttered the title, wrinkling his nose at the strange name. He couldn't really understand the song one single iota but then the lyrics began to flash on the screen. "What a strange song."
TAGS: Amelie OOC NOTES: If Applicable
Post by Feliciano vargas on May 31, 2018 8:39:59 GMT
Feliciano sighed, today was not a very good day, all he wanted to do was forget about today, normally he would have headed home and slept the day off. But today he didn't feel like going home, at least not for a while, his brothers were probably waiting to ambush him ad question him about his sudden disappearances throughout the day. So he decided to do the next best thing, he decided to go to a karaoke bar and sing his frustrations away.
The spirit wielder walked into the bar and looked around for, he had wanted to find an empty seat first before singing anything but just as he was going to sit in a bar stool an American song came up a very familiar song. The young Italian debated whether to sit down or sing his favorite song, in the end, his need to sing won out, the young man ran over to where the mics were at and took one. Without further ado, he began to sing, and boy did he sing well, he hit the notes on point.
For a moment the young man forgot his worries as he sang.
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on May 31, 2018 22:53:31 GMT
Of course, the first response Torahiko would ger was an undoubtedly fake pout. "Wait, what?" Amelie exclaimed in what looked like disbelief. "You're gonna charge a friend of yours for something you offered? I thought we were in Japan, not on Turkey..."
In reality, she was more or less being difficult, eventually, her expression changed into a small smile. "Hanging out sounds nice; I've been lucky to have made some friends in college and stuff, but having even more would be pretty great if you ask me."
However, the topic would shift into something way more interesting. How LARPing exactly worked, and how apparently Amy could portray a dwarf despite stupidly damn tall; well, at least that much was pretty interesting! "Huh, well... might try it down the line, then. Doubt I'll be very good, but it definitely sounds like something relaxing. At least when there's no drama involved, I think."
After all, people did things when they enjoyed them, did not they? In any case, that probably was something they'd tackle more thoroughly later, after... addressing that song.
"Damn." The alcohol was probably throwing any semblance of politeness out of the window. "That song is a freaking plague. It's literally everywhere, and it's not even good!" The brunette made a pause, trying to calm herself. "'Despacito' means slowly in Spanish, in case you were wondering."
Oh well, at least the guy singing seemed to be pretty good at it. Silver linings, she guessed? "Music nowadays leaves a bit to be desired, honestly, or at least this 'new wave', in my opinion. Some genres are just getting dumber."
Was that a rant? Maybe, but given that Amelie was a bit of a musician herself, seeing something as noble as a tune corrupted by inappropriate and catchy lyrics instead of true effort was always a sad sight to see.
Post by Torahiko Isamu on Jun 1, 2018 23:22:19 GMT
"I can try and perhaps squeeze you in if there's a spot available somewhere, or even try something small like a D&D campaign, though I suck as the Game Master." The young man brushed his cheek with a finger, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face. "I never know if I'm being too fair or too harsh or what have you." He shrugged his shoulders. "I prefer to just play a character and make the Game Master's life difficult with stupid decisions!" He smiled brightly at that, though there seemed to be a small devious tilt to that quirk of the lips.
Despacito meant Slowly? What a strange name for a song. At least the newcomer appeared to have a good singing voice, which made up for what he had to hear a few minutes ago. He clapped respectfully for the young man once he finished the song. "It seems a new challenger took the stage, perhaps I shall give it another spin in a bit."
Though he had to agree with her sentiment. "I feel you, sometimes I don't understand the song genre of other countries." He shook his head briefly. "Hey, you wanna join the guy upstage? I feel like singing again if you want to join me!"
TAGS: Amelie Feliciano vargas OOC NOTES: If Applicable
Post by Feliciano vargas on Jun 2, 2018 6:54:48 GMT
Feliciano finished the song and huffed, he was out of breath due to not singing for a while. The teen smiled, he felt better already, he made a mental note to sing more often, it did wonders for stress relief. He decided that he could go for one more song before resting for a bit and ordering a drink, so he decided to wait and see what song came up next.
The only thing he hoped for was a song that he was familiar with, then again they had the lyrics up for the song on the tv, he just wasn't very confident in singing a song he didn't know by heart. He was so deep in thought that he hadn't seen the other two people who had spotted him singing and unknown to him one of them was just about to challenge him to a sing-off.
Feliciano continued to wait patiently for the next song to come up, promising himself that if it was one he didn't know he would go to get a drink.
Better Mod
2019 Tounament Winner!
Also, the person who tends to grade things.
Posts: 2,562
OOC Name: Yuu™
Post by Amelie on Jun 2, 2018 21:24:55 GMT
There were a lot of things Amelie could have guessed that a stranger could offer a night on a karaoke bar. Least to say, a spot on a D&D campaign wasn't among them... for sure. "I mean... if you guys are patient enough to deal with a total newbie, sure. I wouldn't mind it."
She didn't understand much of what came next, but it seemed that being the Game Master was overall a major pain in the ass or an exercise of patience and understanding against a bunch of people who didn't seem like they wanted to make your life any easier. In any case... that was probably everything that was needed to be said about it. It seemed like Torahiko was up to some more singing, and the brunette couldn't agree more with that notion! Finishing her drink, she stood up from her place in the bar. "Let's go! I'm not against singing for a bit~."
Said and done, the duo would leave their seats and go next to where that big TV was. The brunette would pick a microphone at first in order to test its sound; that was pretty important if you didn't want to bust any unsuspecting eardrums!
Now, the only thing left was just to wait and see which track would be picked; hopefully, it'd be something easy!